Wimbledon Park

Image: Allies and Morrison
Wimbledon Park
Jam Services
EIA Scoping Opinion
EIA Review
Supporting Document Review
London Borough of Merton
Jam was commissioned by Merton Council to prepare the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Scoping Opinion, and undertake a review of the EIA and supporting documents, submitted by the All England Lawn Tennis Club (AELTC) for proposals to expand the Wimbledon Championship facilities at the former golf course in Wimbledon Park, Merton.
A hybrid planning application was submitted, which proposed a series of development and landscape works to enable the Qualifying Tournament to be hosted on the site. The detailed application includes the creation of 38 new grass tennis courts, associated infrastructure and landscape works, and the outline application includes provision of a new 8,000 seat Parkland Show Court, maintenance and player hubs.
​The golf course is located in the Grade II* listed Wimbledon Park, designated as a Registered Park and Garden of Special Historic Interest, which is also Metropolitan Open Land. The proposals for the expanded grounds aspire to deliver a world class lawn tennis venue within a 21st century re-imagining of the parkland landscape, which was originally designed by Lancelot ‘Capability’ Brown in the second half of the eighteenth century.