Strategic Planning
The need for comprehensive Strategic Planning is increasingly the focus for new development, particularly with regard to the development of new settlements, garden communities, sustainable urban extensions and regeneration projects.
Jam has the skills to enable the development of truly sustainable communities combining the experience of strategic planning; master planning and sustainability assessments, in order to provide the climate resilient places of the future, which deliver net zero and nature based solutions.
Such skills are necessary to deliver the visionary frameworks for housing and infrastructure that are so badly needed, whilst ensuring that the social, economic and environmental and issues affecting development are respected.

Climate Change + Sustainability Strategies
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) / Sustainability Appraisal (SA)
Joint Spatial Plan / Local Plan Representations
Sustainable Development Frameworks
Vision + Objectives Development
Constraints + Opportunities Analysis
Mapping + Data Analysis
Option Appraisal
Green + Blue Infrastructure Studies
Local Environmental Improvement Plans
Environmental Impact Assessment
Planning Advice + Support