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West of England Joint Spatial Plan

Image: West of England JSP

West of England,
Joint Spatial Plan

Jam Services
Sustainability Appraisal
Local Plan Representations
Hearing Statements
Expert Witness at Examination

Taylor Wimpey


Savills / No. 5 Chambers

West of England JSP

Jam was commissioned to review the Sustainability Appraisal for the first Joint Spatial Plan in the UK in the West of England. The West of England Joint Spatial Plan (JSP) was prepared by Bath and North East Somerset Council, Bristol City Council, North Somerset Council and South Gloucestershire Council. The Plan set out proposals for growth of up to 105,500 homes, around 30% being affordable homes, and 82,500 jobs. 


Jam was appointed by Taylor Wimpey, in relation to a proposed new settlement in the Green Belt on the edge of Bristol, the Vale.  Jam’s review of the SA process found that the SA was completely deficient, particularly in respect of the assessment of ‘reasonable alternatives’ available as well as substantial flaws in the application of the SA methodology itself.  In particular, the SA process had failed to include an assessment of all reasonable alternatives in relation to the Spatial Strategy and Strategic Development Locations, key to the development of the JSP strategy.  Jam prepared written representations on the significant flaws identified and represented the client as Expert Witness at the EiP. 


The Inspectors’ determined that the SA process was fundamentally flawed, in particular the Inspectors were not persuaded that there was evidence to demonstrate that the Strategic Development Locations, and thus the overall Spatial Strategy, had been selected for inclusion in the Plan against reasonable alternatives, on a robust, consistent and objective basis of assessment.  As a consequence, the Inspectors could not conclude that the essential aspects of the Plan were sound and it was recommended that the authorities withdraw the plan. 



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